Journal intime of heartandaorta


Getting Back To Work After Heart Operation: When And How?

One of the biggest concerns in patients’ minds while considering heart surgery is whether he would be able to do the same work as before. On a pos ...


Exercise After Heart Operation: What And How Much?

Immediate postoperative period is not the time for heavy exercise schedules. The aim is to get back to routine lifestyle and be active. Let your body ...


Can All Patients Needing Bypass Have OPCAB?

This is a very technical question and one need to consider many factors before reaching a decision. Even when OPCAB is planned for a certain patient ...


All You Wanted To Know About "Beating Heart" Bypass Operation!

Bypass operation on (then) Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh occupied the headlines for some time. Dr. Singh made a rapid recovery and is back on the ...

Don't miss

- Monday 26 October 2015 - Followed always by the past.

by Yasha

...I miss making love to him...

by skyler

...My life depends on it...

by skyler

...start pulling my hair out

by skyler