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09/12/2017 - 14h12

Five girls' stuck in traffic jam

Aunt Jackie came and got us lastnight and the traffic in Fort Worth was a nightmare. Me and my sisters had been sick with constipation and had too tak ...

31/07/2017 - 12h07

Lee Anne is in Fort Worth getting evaluated by proffessionals

Aunt Catherine came and took Lee Anne to JPS in Fort Worth then they said she has had a minor stroke and because of it the effected part of her brain ...

18/06/2017 - 09h06

Since I found Lee Anne in that way she has not said a word at all

I thought she was just giving me the silent treatment but I think it could be something serious because she goes around acting like I am not here not ...

17/06/2017 - 12h06

Lee Anne did it all on her own and she acted as if it never happened

I woke up this morning after a coyote started yipping out in the yard then I went in the bathroom only to find Lee Anne asleep in the bathtub with the ...

15/06/2017 - 09h06

My morning wake-up call

I heard something outside my bedroom window and woke up. Lee Anne was beside me asleep. How and when she came in I don't know. She had me trapped unde ...

11/06/2017 - 10h06

That creek is a long ways off and I am getting tired of it, we all are

It wouldn't be so bad if we could walk but we can't. This not having running water is getting bad on our bodies in more ways than you know. We are jus ...

07/06/2017 - 13h06

Wednesday 07 June 2017

Last night after we had supper then started getting ready for bed our Aunt Gabrielle dropped in on us. She asked if we needed anything from town becau ...

05/06/2017 - 22h06

We are making home-made spaghetti tonight for supper

Me and the girls' are making home-made spaghetti tonight. I wish that we could be out on the lake camping and cooking catfish, hushpuppies, and crawde ...

03/06/2017 - 10h06

A storm and no shower for me

I just woke up and made coffee and the bottom fell out with rain like you wouldn't believe and the lightning was far from over. I thought I was gonna ...

31/05/2017 - 13h05

Me and my little sisters are living with Aunt Tamra now that our parents are no longer around

Me and my little twin sisters Anna and Belle as well Lee Anne, she's two years older than they are have been living with Aunt Tamra since our parents ...

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Five girls' stuck in traffic jam

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Five girls' stuck in traffic jam

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Five girls' stuck in traffic jam